Christmas Fellowship 2024 – The Pleasaunce

Christmas Fellowship 2024 – The Pleasaunce

Dates and Prices – full board

24 – 28 December 2024 (4 nights):

  • £410 per person standard room,
  • £470 per person en-suite room.

22 – 29 December 2023 (7 nights):

  • £677 per person standard room,
  • £782 per person en-suite room.


“And she will bring forth a son, and you will call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”

Matthew 1:21

A very special time of year in the Christian calendar. Come to The Pleasaunce and celebrate together the joy of the birth our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Spend time in our cosy lounges surrounded by Christmas trees, presents and fellow Christians. With plenty of Christmas food, entertainment, and Christian fellowship, journey through the Christmas story together and marvel at the birth of our Lord.


To be confirmed.

Check availability